About Us

About us

  • Suffah Foundation is registered as trust, governed by Indian Trust Act of 1992. Suffah Foundation’s primary focus is to target the students from remote places and on educating as well as engaging children with special needs
  • It’s an organization which provides an educational support to the students
  • In year 2019 Suffah Foundation, a nonprofit charity trust was formed by group of qualified professionals from various fields to support and promote children in the field of education
  • Vision

  • Empower students to acquire and gain knowledge and skills that will support them
  • To work towards creating a better society through education
  • We believe when You change a child’s life, you change a family’s, which can change a community and ultimately world
  • The Suffah Foundation is dedicated to helping students fulfil their potential and to promoting academic knowledge based on authentic Islamic sources
  • Mission

  • Providing education to build a brighter future for our students as professionals and as citizens and we ensure the resources that are collected will be effectively used in right areas
  • The main motto of Suffah Foundation was to empower underprivileged children in field of education
  • We aim to provide more than just an academic understanding of Islam, as it is taught in most universities today. We want to present an 'insider' s view' of Islam and allow students to understand it as a living